Welcome to the Angelic Realm!
Hi, I’m Carol Joyce, and I’m an Angel Channeler.
What is an Angel Channeler, you ask? Well, simply put, I receive psychic messages from your angels and pass them along to you. These messages could be about your job, a relationship in your life, or even insights into your future. I’m here to help you connect with your angels and get the answers you seek!
As a channeler (psychic) and medium, I have the ability to "hear" messages from the angels through my clairvoyant and clairsentient gifts. In simple terms, I receive telepathic messages from the angels, which I then share with you. Sometimes, loved ones who have passed on also come through, offering words of love, gratitude, or even humor.
For example, I once received a message from a friend’s mom who had passed. She expressed her thanks and made a funny remark about my friend not having enough food for the memorial service. My friend laughed and confirmed her mom’s comment. This experience was a beautiful confirmation that our loved ones do live on.
I also recall one instance when an angel channeled a message warning a gentleman to check the lug nuts on his front tires. He thought it was strange, as his car was only six weeks old. Months later, he reached out to thank the angels. His newly purchased antique car had developed a strange sound, so he took it to the mechanic. The mechanic discovered that the lug nuts on both front tires were loose, and the man could have been seriously hurt. Gotta love those angels!
In your psychic reading, I will connect with your guardian angel, who will share their name with me and describe what they look like. Your angel will also guide me to the area of your life where they will be especially helpful.
Remember: You Have Guardian Angels
We all have guardian angels. At the moment we are born, an angel is assigned to guide and protect us throughout our lives. Angels are God's messengers and helpers—they’re always there to support us. We simply need to ask for their assistance.
If you feel called to connect with your angels, I’m here to help. Feel free to reach out by phone at 203-882-0351 (landline) or email me at caroljoyce623@yahoo.com.